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In the dynamic world of aviation, efficient management of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) is crucial. The Sensus Aero GSE Management Module integrates advanced features to enhance safety, efficiency, and reliability in airport management, presenting a well-rounded solution to modern aviation challenges. This module allows full control of all equipment, while monitoring its usage and technical health. The GSE Module utilizes mobile devices for various checklists, where the ‘Driver role’ can execute tasks as set by the ‘GSE Manager role’. Sensus Aero GSE Management enables: • Daily Checklists • Technical Checklists • Customized Checklists • Tracking of In-use/Out-of-service status • Repair & Inventory Management Seamless Management of Every Detail Our comprehensive GSE Module digitalizes how you manage all ground support and additional equipment. With a few clicks, you can access a wealth of technical information about each piece of equipment – from the manufacturer, model, and registration details to purchase and retirement dates, asset codes, and more. For organizations operating across multiple stations, you’ll love the ease of sharing information and migrating equipment, complete with all historical data, checklists, and repair records. Intelligent Document Tracking and Compliance Say goodbye to missed deadlines and expired documents. Our system, tailored to your organization’s setup, enables the GSE Manager to effortlessly track and control document expirations and plan for technical inspections. You’ll get daily reminders about expiring documents, and if action isn’t taken, equipment status updates automatically to ‘out-of-service’ to ensure compliance and safety. Collaborative Workflow for Efficiency Our GSE module is designed to foster a smooth flow between different organizational roles. The GSE Manager can set up daily checklists, kickstarting a process where each Driver, using a tablet or mobile device, completes a detailed checklist before operating any equipment. This includes recording motohour counts, taking photos, and checking fuel levels or battery percentages. Any faults? They’re instantly notified to the GSE Manager and relevant roles, then seamlessly transferred to our Repair Management Module. Comprehensive Technical Checklists and Fault Management Customize technical checklists for every piece of equipment with varying frequencies – daily to annually. During checks, any faults detected are immediately sent to the Repair Management Module, where Mechanics plan and resolve issues, keeping your operations smooth and uninterrupted. Beyond the Basics: Specialized Checklists and In-Use Monitoring Our system allows for the creation of specialized checklists, such as pressure checks, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. The status of each equipment piece updates automatically based on checklist findings, keeping Mechanics informed of any non-critical issues while ensuring the equipment remains in use. Efficient Repair Management and On-Demand Reporting All faults from checklists and maintenance tracking are logged into the Repair Register. Mechanics can then manage and execute repairs, tracking progress with a color-coded system for clarity and efficiency. Need data? Our on-demand reports provide historical data, current plans, and status checks at your fingertips. Sensus GSE Management extends its capabilities beyond traditional management with the potential incorporation of IoT and Telematic devices. This enhancement allows for real-time monitoring and smarter management of ground support equipment, leading to increased operational efficiency and more informed decision-making. We also specialize in the development of Virtual Reality (VR) Training modules, offering a modern approach to staff training. This method provides a practical and interactive learning experience, ensuring that your team is thoroughly prepared for their roles in aviation ground handling. Furthermore, our system is designed for seamless integration with the Sensus Aero Ground Handling Resource Management Solution. This integration ensures cohesive management of ground operations, harmonizing various aspects of ground handling and equipment management into a streamlined workflow. In summary, our GSE Management system is not merely a tool for day-to-day operations but a step towards creating a more connected, efficient, and expertly trained ground handling team. Technological innovations today impact all business sectors. The aviation industry is no exception; companies are turning to more advanced software. However, they usually face resistance to change. Why is it worthwhile for businesses to invest in innovative solutions and be determined to step into a future that guarantees more efficient management of processes and resources? Renata Sumskaite, CEO of Sensus Aero, a company that develops software for aviation and is part of the globally operating aviation holding Avia Solutions Group, shares her insights on the subject The Aviation Industry Lacks Challenges Sumskaite points out that one of the main reasons why the aviation industry is not embracing changes quickly and investing in new technological solutions is the lack of challenges. According to her, compared to other business sectors, no one questions the work of aviation companies or creates more advanced, better-performing alternatives as a challenge. The exclusivity and privacy of the industry limit opportunities and development. “Aviation is extremely comfortable; everything here happens very slowly. No one challenges us – no one is even able to challenge us. For example, banking, the payment sector has an infinite number of ideas. Startups emerge every day. And aviation is highly private. As a result, there are no challenges. Only those currently working in aviation, those who have worked before, or those who will work in the future can bring something new. Do these people do it? I think it’s quite difficult for them. After all, nothing has changed in the last four decades,” Sumskaite assures. Start Point of Change is Analysis According to the CEO of Sensus Aero, the change should begin with the analysis of existing processes, “Every company’s leader occasionally looks at their business risks – which ones are the biggest, most likely to happen, and causing the most damage. Changes should start with what happens most frequently and costs the most. In the Avia Solutions Group, we all feel a duty to contribute to the improvement of the aviation industry through technology – we constantly invest in new, innovative technological solutions, striving to be at the forefront. After all, the beginning of any change starts with a leader’s perspective on the business and the issues it faces”, Sumskaite assures. “The business must decide the level of the system it needs. If you decide to implement all the latest functions here and now, the project will take 3-5 years and cost way too much. Do we really want to invest that much? For example, in the ground handling sector, we don’t issue invoices for services provided, we lose money, we don’t hire the necessary number of employees because we don’t plan their work based on existing flight information, and we can’t react in real-time when it changes. There is no one-size-fits-all starting point for every business’s journey into innovation. I do not recommend changing everything at once. Start at the point where the greatest financial and personnel losses happen.,” says Sumskaite. The Role of External Specialists R. Sumskaite emphasizes that implementing change within an organization is impossible without an external specialist responsible for planning and executing the entire process from A to Z: ” The involvement of an external expert, in my opinion, is necessary for the effective adoption of innovation. If these duties are performed by an internal employee, there will always be some kind of manipulation because it leads to a conflict of interests.” She also notes that one of the essential responsibilities of this specialist is to find a middle ground between what employees and managers want and what is genuinely needed for a specific business, “Those involved in the change always want a miraculous system. Then it costs an extraordinary amount of money, deadlines extend to infinity, and people become disillusioned with the change because it takes too long, and the results are not visible. An external specialist must manage communication, prepare processes, initiate change, and ultimately facilitate the transition. They find solutions that generate value and return for the specific company.” Human Resources – Key for Innovation The CEO of Sensus Aero points out that organizations often tend to overlook the role of employees and expect extraordinary results solely from technology, “Everyone thinks that technological solutions will perform miracles, in truth, it’s the human behind the technology who plays the key role. We must understand that the human mind is an integral part of innovation; it must be involved in ongoing processes, even within the system itself.” According to her, this is why the external specialist involved in change management should also be responsible for training middle managers”. “Managers need to learn how to manage changes, and they often lack these skills. As we know, significant changes in aviation occur very rarely. Training in human resource management during changes is essential: what their role is at each stage, what needs to be done, what to pay attention to, how to manage themselves and their team. Dealing with people, especially during changes, requires talent, hard work, and patience,” says Sumskaite. Sensus Aero, a developer of new-gen software solutions for the aviation industry and a member of Avia Solutions Group, has announced the appointment of Renata Sumskaite as the company’s CEO. With an extensive background in finance and technology, Sumskaite brings over 23 years of diverse management experience to her new role, having led both in-house and remote global teams. “I am delighted to join Sensus Aero and develop a pioneering IT platform that would become the premier choice for ground handling and MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) organisations. In addition to integrating the latest technology into our software solutions, my vision for the company includes ambitious team development and business growth. The aviation sector needs to ramp up its digitization efforts, and Sensus Aero can help the industry streamline complex processes that still require too much manual input,” Ms Sumskaite says. Emphasising the importance of collaboration with researchers, Sumskaite cites optimising the algorithm for Sensus Aero’s ground handling ERP system among the company’s primary goals. Plans are also underway for integrating advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and blockchain into Sensus Aero’s software offering, as well as expanding the company’s virtual reality training package by adding modules for pushback and other business needs. Sensus Aero is a digital technology provider for the aviation industry. The company is developing and providing an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) optimisation platform, designed to increase and streamline every aspect of the MRO, Ground Handling, and Fuelling processes. Sensus Aero is part of the Avia Solutions Group family, the world’s largest ACMI provider (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance), operating a fleet of 192 aircraft. Managing a thriving MRO business can quickly become challenging without the right tools and systems in place. To address these challenges, many organisations turn to advanced software solutions that allow for improved resource management, ensuring efficient and optimised operations. Laimonas Antanaitis, Product Director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, shares his insights on the most pressing MRO tool-related issues and how new technology solutions can address them. Tool Tracking One significant issue that software helps solve is tool tracking. Without a strong tool tracking system, it becomes difficult to keep tabs on which tools are currently in use, who is responsible for them, and when they require calibration or maintenance. Tailored software solutions designed specifically for MRO operations can efficiently monitor tools, track mechanics’ usage, and identify any overdue tool returns. Calibration and Maintenance Calibration and maintenance of tools present another crucial aspect for MRO organisations. Inaccurate or improperly calibrated tools not only compromise work quality but also pose safety risks. Regular calibration is essential, yet it can be overlooked without proper control measures. Software programs come to the rescue by sending reports and reminders about upcoming calibration dates, preventing the use of tools with expired calibrations altogether. The same goes for tool periodic checks, as software systems can generate reports and track expiration dates to ensure timely inspections. Compliance and Safety Maintaining proper tool control is not only vital for smooth operations but also for adhering to industry regulations and safety standards. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in safety incidents and legal complications. MRO business management solutions, such as Sensus Aero, ensure all tool control is executed according to strict quality requirements. Such programs can also allow quality managers to conduct audits and review all tool-related actions within the system, maintaining compliance and safety. As organisations grow larger, their operations become more complex, and effective tool control systems become crucial to maintain efficiency. Businesses should not only focus on enhancing their operations but also on managing them efficiently through smart and convenient software solutions. Investing in advanced MRO management software empowers businesses to streamline processes, mitigate risks, and foster a safer work environment. Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, has signed a contract with SIA Gulfstream Oil Ltd., a Latvian fuelling company. Under the 6-year-long agreement, Sensus Aero will provide into-plane fuelling software solutions to optimise the company’s operations at Riga International Airport. From its wide portfolio of available software modules, Sensus Aero will provide an into-plane fuelling module that ensures linear aircraft fuel system operations for both managers and drivers. Additionally, a fuelling storage management module will grant the company instant access to data and enable situational control of fuel storage and registries. Moreover, the GSE management module will allow full control of all equipment while monitoring its usage and technical health. Renata Šumskaitė, CEO at Sensus Aero, shared: “In the ever-growing pursuit of operational efficiency and optimisation, businesses are increasingly turning to intelligent software solutions to enhance their operations. We are excited to partner with SIA Gulfstream Oil, as our team is fully prepared to take charge of the implementation and change management process. Our goal is to ensure a seamless integration, setting the stage for their success. This partnership serves as a testament to the immense value our software solution offers to the industry. By leveraging innovation and expertise, we are dedicated to addressing our client’s unique needs and challenges.” The fuelling management modules will allow for improved operational efficiency, cost savings, safety and compliance, environmental sustainability, and data-driven decision-making. Egija Vilka, Executive Director at SIA Gulfstream Oil, commented, “We are looking forward to taking a significant move towards fuelling digitalisation in collaboration with Sensus Aero. Despite being a small company, we fully recognise the importance of optimisation, and this progressive move is a pivotal step towards expanding our volumes and enhancing business efficiency. We trust that the mutual exchange of ideas and industry know-how will be beneficial to both companies.” Sensus Aero is part of Avia Solutions Group, one of the world’s largest ACMI providers, operating a fleet of 180 passenger and cargo aircraft worldwide. Ground handling businesses face numerous challenges, including managing a large number of employees, contract management, and ground support equipment (GSE). This sector offers various approaches and requires addressing a wide range of problems. Konradas Dulka, Product Director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, examines how one can ensure full control, minimise risks to the business and gain a competitive edge. Focus on optimisation While generating additional revenue streams in ground handling can be challenging without winning more contracts, the core concept of the business is optimisation. Therefore, your focus should be on achieving the theoretical maximum efficiency for each station. To optimise your business, you need to address two areas: process improvement and IT solutions. It’s crucial to envision the ideal organisation aligned with your company’s strategy and reflect the processes in the process flow within your systems. This requires fostering a culture of dynamic change and adaptability as well as ensuring that the platforms you use can adjust to these changes. Although each organisation is unique and efficiency can be achieved through different means, let’s explore the theoretical levels of ground handling system progression, usually measured in maturity (based on the progression of turnaround numbers): Level 1: Core ERP System At this stage, the focus is on establishing general control over operations and administrative business units. By implementing the main systems, you create a foundation for correctly building processes, reducing human errors, increasing overall efficiency, and preparing for scalability. Key modules: Level 2: Core ERP + Planning This level addresses planning problems. As planning solutions depend on data, Level 1 focuses on managing and gathering the necessary data, while Level 2 focuses on utilising it for planning purposes. Other systems such as Time & Attendance and Learning Management Systems (LMS) can help streamline operations. Level 2 is critical for increasing efficiency, reducing risks, and saving time. Key modules: Level 3: Core ERP + Planning + Real-time Level 3 focuses on controlling peak periods and eliminating chaos in the field. The main objective is to identify and quickly solve problems, leading to better resource utilisation and smoother operations for both GSE and employees. Tasks are entered through mobile device applications, reducing the need for manual entry after flight operations and thus saving time. Key modules: Level 4: Core ERP + Planning + Real-time + Data Warehouse + Reporting engine At this stage, all information is gathered and available in real-time, including operational and financial metrics. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each business unit can be monitored, and the overall company health can be assessed. This solution in combination with other levels introduces a Decision Management System, enabling accurate and timely decision-making for management. Key Modules: Level 5: Introduction of AI To fully utilise AI, structured, accurate, and well-arranged data is necessary. The preceding steps serve as preparation, aiming to use AI in real-time, enabling the removal of dispatchers and constant predictive situation assessment. AI can be used in earlier steps, like in planning solutions (Reinforced AI) (Level 2) to address the human touch if the situation demands it. As you progress to different levels, the number of systems involved and complexity increase. To maintain a stable environment, it is best to minimise the integration count, introduce secondary data sources, and reduce the number of systems. This reduces stress on the IT department and improves end-user satisfaction by providing a single point of access. Implementing such solutions, depending on the organisation’s size, leads to smoother operations, predictability, increased efficiency, improved profitability, excellent on-time performance, and easier audit procedures. In the long term, these measures significantly enhance the company’s stability and provide a significant advantage over competitors. In the complex field of MRO, effective communication between clients and maintenance organisations plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless operations, minimising downtime, and maximising productivity. However, despite advancements in the industry, human errors are still a prevalent issue in MRO communication, leading to costly delays, misunderstandings, and potentially compromising safety. “One of the main challenges in MRO communication lies in the complexity of the tasks involved,” says Laimonas Antanaitis, product director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry. “Maintenance activities often require close cooperation between technicians, engineers, suppliers, and clients. This intricate system of involved parties that often communicates through several different channels increases the chances of miscommunication.” According to Antanaitis, misinterpretation of information or untimely communication can often lead to challenges and errors. “Clients may struggle to articulate their requirements accurately, especially when changes or updates to processes or operations are required. Furthermore, difficulties in communication can strive from inconsistency, lack of transparency or clarity in the information provided. This can lead to costly work delays or rework, which can have unfortunate repercussions and hinder the relationship between the parties involved.” Furthermore, the fast-paced nature of MRO operations and the pressure to meet tight deadlines contribute to errors in communication. “In such high-stress environments, especially now when the demand for MRO services is at an all-time high, individuals may overlook important details, skip essential steps, or fail to provide timely updates,” he explains. Additionally, communication can fail when operation records are incomplete, incorrect or get replaced. “Poor record-keeping and inconsistent practices make it hard to track changes, verify instructions, or revisit past conversations. This lack of documentation hampers efficiency and makes it tough to find the cause of errors and take preventive measures.” Such human errors in MRO communication can be addressed not only by investing in effective communication skills training for organisation employees but also by leveraging technologies. “There are quality tools created precisely with MRO organisations and their processes in mind,” Laimonas says. “Systems, such as our Sensus Aero Customer Portal module, can streamline communication between customers and service providers, allowing for fewer misunderstandings or miscommunication, which in hands saves time and costs for both parties. Our records show that by using tools like Sensus Aero, businesses can eliminate up to 97% of human errors and increase effective hours by 17%.” Collaboration between customers and organisations is vital in minimizing human errors in MRO communication. And to simplify the process and increase its effectiveness, modern tools and innovations come to aid. Sensus Aero is a family member of Avia Solutions Group – the world’s largest ACMI (aircraft, crew, maintenance, and insurance) provider with 173 aircraft fleet, operating on all continents in the world. The Group also provides various aviation services such as MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), pilots and crew training, ground handling and other interconnected solutions.   Ground handlers are constantly facing new challenges, which are not static and constantly evolving. Moreover, technological advancements, emissions and higher security regulations are causing quite a disturbance to deal with. This fight is endless, and the most adaptive companies are winning, while others are slowly losing ground and trying different methods to increase revenue by optimising operational and administrational processes to gain a small yet important advantage. Undeniably, safety in aviation is vital, but so are the revenue streams – here we can observe different strategies put to the test: some decide to go for maximum cost savings and others choose to provide high-quality services. Naturally, everything is decided by the airline’s strategic behaviour, values, and competition. Konradas Dulka, Product Director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, examines situations when efficient quality management can bring ground handlers long-term gains. The beginning – standards and efficiency First of all, good, efficient, and structural quality control increases efficiency, as it drastically accelerates the improvement rate and indicates root causes. As this becomes part of the organisational culture, the long-term effect starts to shape and unnecessary processes are stopped, the interaction between departments changes, and operational flows are optimised. As a result, we can gain structural organisational stability, which leads to a less chaotic work environment and better on-time performance, as well as resource reduction. To control and ensure this process, we need something that will serve as the basis: QMS (Quality Management System) and a constant auditing process, resulting in improvements. In essence, we are creating the framework on which we are building our quality standards. Gaining an edge Airport location can have a massive impact on competition and how the chessboard is played. One way of understanding which direction to take is by predicting and understanding airlines’ games. As it is quite different to ground handling, knowing what each airline stands for, and its long-term strategy can open quite a lot of possibilities. If an airport is attracting airlines – for which quality, on-time performance, and operational stability are crucial – reputation can become the key to winning the contract on favourable terms. In other words, even if ground handler will suddenly change the strategic initiative to improve drastically on-time performance, or the first/last bag delivery metrics, it won’t help much, as there are some historical statistical data. However, if a company has been working constantly to be known as high-quality oriented, then retaining current customers, gaining new ones, or expanding to new locations can be a lot easier. In addition, if the airline values high-quality services, then, in the negotiation process, quality-orientated companies can win the contract even with higher pricing, which increases your revenue. It’s a proactive measure, not reactive As we know, safety is vital for all aviation players, however, incidents do happen and usually are caused by human errors. Chances of an error can be minimised by adjusting processes, and constantly reminding staff about the importance of safety and surroundings, paired with Information systems. Each incident has a massive effect on revenue, as insurance can go up higher and with GH profit margins it can be quite a juggling act. In addition, though it is hard to evaluate, the company’s reputation suffers as well, which may prevent it from winning contracts in the future. With correct execution and implementation of culture, where quality is one of the top priorities in organisational goals can build a self-improvement culture – where everyone shares the same core values and does not require a push from top management to be more efficient and create safety-enhancing processes. This not only reduces risks but improves efficiency and mitigates revenue loss. As we have established, in some situations being aware of the competition and airline’s directional strategy makes it possible to gain a substantial advantage. To control everything in a structured way, not only a framework is needed, but tools as well. Digitalisation and the adoption of flexible platforms can increase your efficiency furthermore and help achieve your targets. So, how exactly can this platform help you? Overall, we can see, that establishing a quality-orientated approach in an organisation is not an easy task but can bring an edge in the long term. Understanding competition and being aware of the ever-changing market can lead to a stable, efficient, and more profitable organisation with a perfect reputation. With the aviation industry constantly searching for ways to optimise processes and increase efficiency, effective time management is key to ensuring smooth and sustainable operations, especially in the field of MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations). Laimonas Antanaitis, Product Director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, believes that improved time management can have a massive positive effect on organisation efficiency and bottom line, and shares two main benefits of time tracking. Real-time labour tracking The first major benefit of time management is improved future estimations through real-time labour tracking. Using historical data leads to better planning and cost estimations, which in MRO is crucial to ensure that the maintenance work is completed within budget. By tracking time spent on each task, companies can more accurately estimate labour and material costs, as well as other expenses associated with maintenance activities. This helps them make informed decisions about allocating resources and budgeting for future maintenance work. Resource effectivity and utilisation The second benefit of time tracking is the ability of companies to better understand how their resources are being utilised. For example, if a task is taking longer than expected, it may indicate that additional resources are necessary, or that the current process needs to be optimised or modified to be more efficient. By tracking time, organisations can make changes in real-time, ensuring that they are using their workforce and other resources efficiently, and improve work productivity, which can affect the profitability of the MRO organisation. Simplifying time tracking through software While time tracking has undeniable advantages, it might become a difficult and time-consuming task. To optimise data collection and time tracking management MRO companies turn to software solutions, such as Sensus Aero. This tool works like a sandglass: it does not allow time to stop once the sand starts to flow ensuring task cards are managed effectively. Sensus Aero labour tracking tool lets only to change the type of time spent, but not stop it completely before ending the day. Using it allows businesses to better manage labour tracking KPIs, such as how much effective (spent on working cards) and non-effective (break, waiting for tools) time was spent per employee, bay, hangar, or organisation. By turning to software solutions companies can better understand their process gaps, improve employee/department efficiency, and optimise costs. Ground handling companies play a critical role in the aviation industry. They are responsible for providing a wide range of services, including marshalling, cleaning and baggage handling. These services are essential for the smooth functioning of airports and airlines. However, ground handling companies are facing a substantial number of challenges, especially with regards to the Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Konradas Dulka, Product Director at Sensus Aero, a new-gen software solution for the aviation industry, examines some of the problems that ground handling companies are facing with their GSE. Cost of GSE One of the main challenges that ground handling companies are facing is the cost of acquiring and maintaining GSE. GSE can be very expensive, and ground handling companies often have to purchase large quantities of GSE to meet the demands of their customers. Additionally, the cost of maintaining GSE can be significant due to constant need of maintenance and repairs to maintain them in good order. Safety Concerns Another significant challenge ground handling companies face is safety. GSE can be quite dangerous if not operated correctly and one incident can have a massive impact on business and especially future insurance costs. Ground handling companies are responsible for the proper employee training and that the equipment is maintained to the highest standards. Failure to do so can result in accidents that can cause injury or even death. Environmental Regulations There is also pressure on ground handling companies to comply with environmental regulations. GSE can have a significant impact on the environment since often ground handling is still using old and poorly maintained equipment. Airports are introducing strict regulations to reduce CO2 and noise levels. In some cases, ground handling companies must comply with these regulations or face fines. Competition The aviation industry is highly competitive and though each company may have its own strategy and good value proposition, they must offer high-quality services at competitive prices. Many companies are finding it difficult to compete or enter new markets, as larger companies have advantage in resources and economies of scale. Technological Advances One more challenge to face for ground handling companies is technological advances. New technologies are being constantly developed, which aim for improving efficiency and safety of GSE. The big issue is that these technologies can be expensive to implement and ground handling companies must find a balance between investments and remaining competitive. Additionally, employees must be retrained, and, in some cases, processes must be changed to utilize efficiently these new technologies. Control With larger numbers of GSE emerges a challenge on how to efficiently control all your fleet. As we know, maintaining this equipment is vital to ensure safe and efficient ground operations. Here are some ways how software can help with GSE management: There are a lot of challenges now regarding GSE for ground handlers, however there are always ways  to efficiently manage your fleet and business. By automating maintenance scheduling, managing work orders, inventory and providing reporting and analytics, we are certain that we can reduce the number of challenges, ensure better safety and ease the load on the employees.